Union Baptist Association

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6 ways to Engage the 1 in 5 Texas Families Impacted by Disability

1 in 5 families in Texas has a member with a disability. Those disabilities include everything from physical, cognitive, or developmental challenges and can make it challenging for the whole family to attend church.

On the second Sunday in July, SBTC churches around the state will celebrate Disability Ministry Sunday. This yearly event reminds us of our calling to make the gospel accessible to all people.

In the video, Disability Ministry Consultant Sandra Peoples talks about how caring for those with disabilities helps break down barriers to worship God—just like Christ did. Everyone, able-bodied or not, should have a place in the Body of Christ. In fact, the Body of Christ is better with people with disabilities than without them.

No matter what size your church is, you have the opportunity to follow Jesus’ example of including those who are otherwise overlooked.

Here are 6 ways to be more inclusive:

  1. Feature a testimony from a special needs family that attends your church

  2. Have people with disabilities serve as greeters, read Scripture, or provide special music

  3. Share a video of those who are a part of your disability ministry interacting in their classes and serving the church with their gifts

  4. Connect families impacted by disability to available respite care and retreats

  5. Make your church more accessible (Here are 11 more specific ways to increase accessibility)

  6. Pray for more churches to take steps toward accessbility so every family in Texas can meet Jesus and experience His love for them.

If you have any questions about starting or expanding a disability ministry in your church, the SBTC is ready to help. You can email Sandra Peoples at speoples@sbtexas.com with any questions you have.

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