
Union Baptist Association

UBA is a collaborative network of churches strategically advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Are you tired of working in isolation without:

  • Leadership accountability and friendship

  • Ministry problem-solving

  • Tools to help effectively engage your community

  • Collaboration across different perspectives

  • Assistance in disaster relief

  • Processes to prepare members to step into God’s call

No one church has the resources to fulfill the Great Commission alone. We need one another to reach our rapidly-growing and diverse context.

Why We Exist:

Churches are Better Together

UBA helps churches connect, collaborate, and deepen the work they do by working together.

What We Do:

Our work is unique to the needs of our churches and community. We organize our efforts along three strategic pathways: sending, renewal & collaboration.

Collaborative Pathways

Collaborative Pathways brings churches, their staff, and their members into deeper, more meaningful, Kingdom-expanding relationships that strengthen the whole Body of Christ.

  • Leadership luncheons to hear from experts and meet other local leaders.

  • Small group cohorts for pastors, multicultural leaders, and mission learners.

  • Disaster relief resources

Sending Pathways

Sending Pathways works with churches of all sizes to develop and deploy their own people for a variety of Great Commission tasks. It focuses on 5 lanes of sending:

  • Pastors

  • Church Planters

  • Church Replanters

  • International Missionaries

  • Diaspora Missionaries

Renewal Pathways

Renewal Pathways is an initiative to promote church health in declining and dying congregations. By investing in each church and its leaders, we aim to maintain gospel light and proclamation throughout the city.

  • Church space sharing

  • Personalized church consultations

  • Pastor search committee training

  • Pastor training and cohorts

Our Churches

UBA congregations match the wide diversity of cultures, worship styles, structures, sizes, and forms represented in the Greater Houston Area.


The best way to understand UBA is to experience it yourself.

Join us for events aimed at supporting and sharpening our churches and their leaders for the task ahead.

Our Stories

Our Staff

Get in touch.

We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us on social media or send us an email here.