Let's Play a Game! Where have you seen "Better Together" lately?
It’s a running joke on staff that 2020 was the year we became an accidental trendsetter. Whether they knew it or not, businesses, governments, and everyone’s local coffee shop began using our slogan, “Better Together.”
Since early 2018, we’ve been talking about being “Better Together” because we firmly believe it. One church cannot do it all. That’s why the association exists! Together, our churches can advance the gospel throughout Houston and the globe better than we could if we were working alone.
So for some comedic relief, we thought we’d gather a few of the “Better Together” posts we see floating around. Feel free to join in on the fun, and tag us or post any “Better Together” posts you see on our social pages. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter as @ubahouston.
Better Together with the Houston Health Department.
Y “Mejor Juntos” en español
Better Together at Starbucks.
Better Together, as seen on tv.
Even our CRM platform was getting in on the trend.
And my personal favorite, an email from Walmart selling toilet paper:
Wherever we’ve seen it, we smile and chuckle at the phrase. It’s a truth that resonates in all of our hearts because we know we were made to be in community. We were made to be better together.