Orality in the Marketplace
Many of those who are new to the orality domain are still thinking about a foreign mission strategy. Some may think of storytelling or Bible storying. However, the concepts, principles, and practices of orality are beginning to be recognized as important in many other areas, including the marketplace, the business world, and our everyday lives.
Orality as we are going
Within the Orality in Business Network, there’s a growing awareness and recognition of its benefits in a variety of applications. Orality methods are effective ways of improving working relationships and community, addressing organizational change, leadership, and maintaining corporate culture. Storytelling, guided discovery, action learning, and narrative skills are also becoming popular topics for communications, public speaking, sales, and marketing.
Not every follower of Jesus is part of the business community. However, almost everyone is engaged in the marketplace in some way. Most people go shopping from time to time, buy things, and deal with sales and marketing people. All of those occasions can be witness and ministry opportunities.
“When we have a mind-set of being “on mission with God,” every shopping trip can be a mission trip. ”
Coming to an awareness that every follower of Jesus is (or should be) “on mission with God,” means that every day—wherever we happen to be—we are ambassadors for Christ and representatives of Jesus. Every human contact can be an opportunity to be salt and light to those around us.
1. Shopping Mission Trips
In our Prayer-Care-Share training efforts, we like to show as well as tell how to more effectively connect and engage with people. Many of those encounters lead to spiritual conversations and opportunities to share the Gospel.
A lady who participated in one of our training sessions was amazed and surprised at the results. She later said, “I see that I can do this every day.”
When we have a mind-set of being “on mission with God,” every shopping trip can be a mission trip. Every phone conversation—even with telemarketers or wrong numbers—can be an opportunity to bring the name of Jesus into the conversation. When we do those activities consistently and faithfully, we’ll find those who have open hearts (fertile soil) and are eager to learn more. It’s the Seed (the Word of God) that tests the soil.
2. Small Groups
It may seem like a simple thing, but those initial connections in a small group often lead to longterm relationships and transformed lives. With some intentional efforts, small group discussions can be a way of following up and involving people in prayer groups and church life. There are many different models and resources available now to assist with those efforts.
3. Reproducing Life
In our experience with Living Water International, we’ve promoted forming support and accountability groups as a follow up to our Bible Storying // Orality Training Workshops. Those groups can—and often do—become reproducing disciple making cell groups. Historically, small cell groups have become catalysts for movements that change families, communities and even nations.
“The better we understand and act upon the simple instructions of Jesus—to love people, communicate the Good News, and make disciples—the sooner we’ll experience the contagious nature of our faith.”
The Power of Simplicity
The better we understand and act upon the simple instructions of Jesus—to love people, communicate the Good News, and make disciples—the sooner we’ll experience the contagious nature of our faith. It is really the reproducing life of the Lord Jesus in and through our humanity. Ultimately, it’s the indwelling Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit that enables us to be fruitful members of the Body of Christ.
Having spent a considerable amount of time among Bible-less, unreached and oral people groups over the years has caused me to think differently and outside the modern Western mental model. Consider a few of these important questions:
How much and what does a person need to know in order to become a follower of Jesus?
What are the best ways of communicating the message of Jesus to Oral Preference Learners?
Why is repetition and reproducibility critical to spreading the Gospel?
Where do most people spend most of their time?
What are the most basic and essential things each of us can do to advance the Kingdom of God?
A former pastor of mine use to say we should focus on loving people and telling them the truth. I think that’s a great way of simplifying and summarizing our mission here on earth.
For more information on Orality resources, training opportunities, and other events, visit – www.orality.net or www.water.cc/orality.
Jerry Wiles is the North America Regional Director of International Orality Network and President Emeritus of Living Water International. He is an author and radio program producer who has been a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows and traveled extensively as a public speaker. Jerry is an Air Force veteran, a former pastor, and university administrator. He and his wife, Sheila, have two grown children and seven grandchildren.
A version of this article originally posted on Assist News