Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Make It Matter—How Collaborative Innovation Helped Provide Durable, Safe Homes

Over 20 years ago, Lynette Francois had the vision to be a blessing over houses and lands spread out across the world. At the time, she wasn't really sure what that meant or even where to start. Over the years, however, God brought the right situations and the right people to work together to impact Haiti. Now, Make It Matter Inc is demonstrating God's love by building durable and safe homes for those in need.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

UBA Churches On Mission Together in Haiti

In ministry, while a vision or idea may originate with one person, the work most often cannot be accomplished without the cooperation of other individuals and churches. A cooperative mindset believes that more can be done together than can be done apart. This has proven true in the story of Lynette Francois and International Ambassadors for Christ.

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