Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Ukraine stories continued
This Spring, Sally Hinzie and UBA partners collected goods to send to Ukrainians in need. Since then, Ukrainian believers have distributed these gifts to show and share the love of Christ. Here are just a few stories from that work.
4 Stories of Your Generosity at Work in Ukraine
These are just a few of the many stories of God’s work through humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Pray for the Ukrainian Church as they seek to show and share the love of God with their neighbors.
"A Series of Miracles" at Work to Bless Ukraine
God is still in the miracle business, and we saw him at work as churches pulled together to provide relief to Ukraine.
Ways to Help Afghan Refugees in the Houston Area
Afghan refugees are here and our churches are stepping up to meet the need. Here’s how you can help.
One Effective (and Fun) Way to Start House Churches in Prison
When Sally Hinzie was asked to teach largely illiterate inmates about house churches, she used storying training to gather a group and equip them.
Meeting God Behind Bars
Every Christian has a story of God’s grace in their lives. Cedric encountered God when he was serving time in prison and was completely transformed. Now, he’s using his story to minister to others in similar situations. What’s your story, and how might God use you wherever you are?
Rethinking the Nativity
I have always been an avid collector of nativities, picking one up as a souvenir for each of my travels near and far. So, I was incredibly surprised to find that the reality of the nativity is hardly depicted in most of my little scenes.
With some insight from Kenneth Bailey's Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, I've learned a lot about Middle Eastern culture and how things would have actually happened in the Christmas story. Here are some of the things I've gleaned.
What's the Value of Christian Unity?
Christian unity may be costly but not so much as our division. A look at the early church shows that pagans were drawn to the church because of their love for each other. People today still need that love—especially in times of crisis. We lift up our Savior by loving His sheep.
6 Foolproof Questions for Discovery Bible Study
Any Bible study method that leads to an extended family being saved, starting a house church, and deploying two missionaries to start a church in their home country (when the missionary does not even speak the language!) has to be God-breathed.
The Trellis and the Vine
Church Consultant Sally Hinzie is an avid reader and a practical thinker. She condenses The Trellis and the Vine into a quick, easy-to-read set of “Book Notes” to offer you the opportunity to determine if this is a topic that you’d like to study further.