
Restaurando al Ofensor

Restaurando al Ofensor

Todos hemos oído historias de escándalos públicos de algún líder espiritual, pastor, o un miembro de la congregación envueltos en pecados. Usualmente, los daños de esas fallas moral afectan todo el cuerpo de Cristo y en particular a las familias de los ofensores.  Cuando este tipo de ofensas ocurren, la integridad del ministerio de la iglesia se compromete. Las personas son dañadas hasta el punto de perder la confianza en el poder del evangelio y la obra redentora de Cristo. 

What the Church Must Do to Protect Its Most Vulnerable

What the Church Must Do to Protect Its Most Vulnerable

I just finished the 1st of The Houston Chronicle 3-part series on sexual abuse within Southern Baptist churches. Like other SBC pastors and church members, my response is one of grief and sadness for the victims and frustration for those who were never brought to justice. Yet, I also understand that while calls for a response and a denominational fix have been given for years, the nature of church autonomy—as addressed briefly in the article—puts the SBC in a unique position as compared to other denominations. Nevertheless, denominational polity is not something that will concern most readers of the story. For those who are victims of such abuse, it shouldn't.