
Is the Singing Over?

Is the Singing Over?

As Italy began to loosen its restrictions, an NPR reporter reminded listeners of the early days of the lockdown when Italians lifted their spirits by singing from their balconies. But the reporter noted that patience was wearing thin, and concluded, “Now the singing is over.” I recognize the emotions because I feel them myself. When I hear about the “endurance phase,” I want to grit my teeth, not burst out in song.

The Creative('s) Way to Do Outreach

The Creative('s) Way to Do Outreach

Have you ever thought of art as a form of outreach? If we do it right, art can bring glory to God and display his greatness to mankind in a way that causes people to follow him. That sounds a lot like outreach to me! I recently wrote an article encouraging leaders to value art in ministry, but what about the creatives in our midst?

Artists can serve to aid in evangelism, discipleship, and the edification of others in the church, as well. So, how can we get started? Here are a few suggestions for the artists (and wannabes) among us.

What Your Worship May Lack

What Your Worship May Lack

What if we did away with harmony in musical worship? Is it, or any other artistic expression, really necessary to the way we function as a church? Probably not, but most note beauty definitely adds something to the experience. Good art can help better articulate the gospel and move our affections towards God.

In the same vein, I wonder what other expressions of worship we may be missing. Are there some art forms we could use to help us better feel the depth of God's story or understand His person? How might leaders use those mediums to teach, to disciple, and to better explain the faith?