Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
What is the UBA?
The best way to understand how associations work is to experience it yourself. Join us for dinner on March 25 to learn what UBA is and see how we all play a role in working toward the Great Commission together.
What is the UBA?
UBA is a relational network of churches working toward a common goal, and the best way to understand it is to experience it yourself.. Join us for dinner on February 29 to better understand what UBA is and see how we all play a role in working toward the Great Commission together.
3 Things to Celebrate and 1 Way You Can Help
Our association is doing some fantastic things together. Let’s keep it running optimally.
What's New After New Orleans?
With all the news reports flying around and legitimate questions being asked, I first felt it was important for us to remember who we are and who we have been for the last 25 years.
What does your spending say about your values?
Can Giving Tuesday be an opportunity for adults to be strategically thankful?
2 Reasons to Celebrate Giving Tuesday
It’s easy to miss Giving Tuesday among all the other, more commercial, holidays. But I hope, for two reasons, that we take some time to celebrate Giving Tuesday today.
Praying for You, Praying for Us
Let’s all get to know one another better over the next 64 days that we will be praying together for the churches in UBA.
Why We Need Denominations—or Fellowships or Families of Churches
You get a lot more done for the Kingdom by working with other churches. Call it a denomination, a federation, a fellowship, or whatever you will. We need one another.
Si la Biblia compara una iglesia local con un cuerpo hecho de personas, ¿Qué o quienes son las coyunturas en una congregación local?
Meet the UBA
UBA is a relational network of churches working toward a common goal. In order to do that well, we have to actually be in relationship with one another, and we need to know why the association exists.