Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Los que estamos al frente de una iglesia tenemos la responsabilidad de desarrollar un plan para discipular a todo aquel que esté dispuesto a disciplinarse en la vida cristiana. Según la Gran Comisión (Mateo 28:18-20), el Señor no nos envió a tener cultos maravillosos, ni actividades interesantes. Simplemente, nos envía a hacer discípulos. Pero parece que el hacer discípulos es la parte menos practicada.
Those of us who are in charge of a church have the responsibility of developing a plan to disciple anyone who is willing to discipline themselves in the Christian life. According to the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20), the Lord did not send us to have wonderful worship times or interesting activities. The Great Commission simply sends us to make disciples. But it seems that making disciples is the least practiced part.