Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Josh Ellis Josh Ellis

What is the UBA?

The best way to understand how associations work is to experience it yourself. Join us for dinner on March 25 to learn what UBA is and see how we all play a role in working toward the Great Commission together.

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Josh Ellis Josh Ellis

What is the UBA?

UBA is a relational network of churches working toward a common goal, and the best way to understand it is to experience it yourself.. Join us for dinner on February 29 to better understand what UBA is and see how we all play a role in working toward the Great Commission together.

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UBA Staff UBA Staff

Mission Leaders, Are You Nearsighted?

Missionary leaders are necessarily passionate and focused. In time though, though, they can find themselves busy and isolated. Our nearsightedness slows us down.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

A Summer of Transformation

Ministry is a lot of hard work but every now and then, you get to experience the story of God's transforming power. Cheryl Chadwick shares one of those stories from the Mission Centers of Houston here.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Somos más de 50 millones de personas, buscando su identidad, y una vida mejor que no está en el sueño americano. 50 millones de personas viviendo en un lugar de libertad donde el evangelio es predicado todos los días y de diferentes maneras. ¿Cómo podemos recoger la red? Y ¿Cuál es la visión de Dios para el pueblo hispano de USA?

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Meet the UBA

UBA is a relational network of churches working toward a common goal. In order to do that well, we have to actually be in relationship with one another, and we need to know why the association exists.

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