Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Trusting God in Tough Times

A worldwide pandemic, job losses, and political, social, and civil unrest have left most of us reeling. This year’s chaos has been incomparable. However, digging deeper into Scripture has brought a peace that man cannot. I’m trusting God to use this turmoil for His glory, and I believe He will. If we allow Him to, He will use us to help bring a spiritual revival. I believe, however, it’s up to us to let go of the bitterness that has divided Christians on the political and social front.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Bearing the Weight of "What if..."

I started outlining this piece about anxiety long before most of us had ever heard the term “coronavirus." Now, it seems to be an all-consuming topic of our news, conversations, and concerns. I’m not going to try to address the specific "what ifs" for the months ahead. Josh already discussed strategy here. Instead, I want to touch on how we can respond when these worst-case scenarios threaten to overwhelm us personally. I want to tell my own story of processing anxieties in the light of the gospel.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Pastor, It's Okay to be Afraid

Well, here we are. We're living in a world we never imagined or desired. As much as we may try to ignore it, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a reality, and it’s global. Regardless of how we are wired or trained to approach challenges, every one of us is prone to fear on some level. We all hold within us the nature of humanity that values something and fears losing it. As much as we may try to suppress or deny it, leaders experience fear as well, and that’s okay! 

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