Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

¿Por qué amo a la UBA? Es un ministerio mundial

Hay varias razones para amar a nuestra asociación de iglesias, pero obviamente somos parciales. Sin embargo, no confía en nuestra palabra. En este video Miguel Esteban nos explica porque a él le encanta el desarrollo del liderazgo y la mentalidad global del Reino del trabajo colaborativo de la Union Baptist Association.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Cultivating Gratitude in Any Season

Sometimes we may think that if we could just live in a beautiful place, have a nice home, and make plenty of money we’d be happier. However, our living conditions do not have as much to do with our joy and happiness as the condition of our hearts and attitudes.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Practicing Pastor Appreciation Year Round

October, or“Pastor Appreciation Month,” is a full month to tell your pastor how much you love them! To tell someone you appreciate them is to recognize their full worth, to grasp the full quality of their nature and full significance of the role they have played in your life in a particular situation, circumstance, or season. That’s pretty powerful!

But then, I started thinking about our Great Shepherd—The Ultimate Pastor. Do we take time to appreciate Him?

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

A Moment for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from UBA! When we survey the many ways God is on the move in our association, we have a lot to be thankful for.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

July Prayer Guide

Every month, we feature people, events, and ministries we want our people to pray for. So, join us as we pray to and praise God for what He's done, because we're always better together.

If you have any requests or just want to let us know you’re praying with us, feel free to tag us on Facebook or Twitter, and join the conversation. #UBAPraysTogether

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