
Two Lists Every Family Should Be Making Right Now

Two Lists Every Family Should Be Making Right Now

COVID-19 has created a once-in-a-lifetime situation that finds many families with less on their calendars and more time at home with one another. While we do not know how much longer this will last, we all expect it to end at some point. Before it does, however, perhaps families would benefit from sitting down and making two lists:

Hospitality for Those Without "The Gift"

Hospitality for Those Without "The Gift"

Some people think I have the “gift of hospitality,” but I assure you, I do not. I am not a hospitable person. I am an introvert. My home is a haven where I can recharge and get ready to be with people again the next day.

In time, I have learned that hospitality is not a gift but an act of obedience with great gospel benefits. For me, though, it's been a journey.

Hospitality in Your Virtual Spaces

Hospitality in Your Virtual Spaces

In the past, we've thought of hospitality as equivalent to entertaining and feeding people in your home. However, the conversation about hospitality is is turning to more about the whole person and the way you act towards others. No place is this more important today than on social media. Wherever we go—physically or virtually—we need to consider our words and our demeanor. Scripture promises the world will know us by our love, but I have wonder if they would recognize us on Twitter.