Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Helping Refugees in Houston

If Houston were a country, it would rank fourth in the world for refugee resettlement. Houston welcomed Vietnamese boat people in the 1970’s. In 2001, Houston opened its doors to thousands of refugees from Hurricane Katrina. And now, Houston continues to receive refugees fleeing persecution, war, or violence from over forty countries. But what is it like once these refugees arrive, and what kind of support do they still need?

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

UBA's Top 10 Articles of 2018

2018 has brought a lot of things our way: heavy losses, exciting possibilities, and hard discussions. Likewise, our blog also had a lot of fascinating and pertinent articles for the year. As we prepare for what God has in store for 2019, we'll first pause to remember and celebrate the top 10 articles of 2018.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Living at a "Seam of History"

If we are honest, most of us American Christians think of our country as the home of Christianity. That, however, is not the case. Each time we hit one of these seams of history, the cultural center, the gravity of the religion, shifted and moved. Today, it is shifting again. Now, the question is, why does that matter?

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Guest Guest

Three Things to Learn from the Immigrant Church in Your City

When evangelical Christians consider the large number of immigrants coming to North America, they most often think of the unreached. Though many unreached peoples come to the US every day, many more immigrants are brothers in sisters in Christ, who we can (and must) learn from.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Three Trends in Missions Today that Excite Me

You might not have thought about missions as an area subject to trends, but it is. Fortunately, these trends show us how God’s is on the move across the globe— and right next door. It’s something worth getting excited about.

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