Insights from in and around the association

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Wit and Wisdom

I once saw a comment by Jon Tyson—pastor of Trinity Grace Church in Manhattan—regarding the prodigious creative output of our culture. His words struck me as truthful. "So much content; so little wisdom."

Most Americans, it strikes me, are content with cleverness and snark. And, in our ever-increasing desire to appear more nonchalant and funny, something is lost. That something, it seems to me, is wisdom.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Life Lessons From the Garden

Gardens have long served as rich spaces for contemplating God’s beauty and creativity. However, it wasn’t until I tried creating a garden of my own that I was able to gain a deeper understanding of some basic truths.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Journaling for Your Spiritual Health

If you've ever tried it, you likely already know about the benefits of journaling. Every day, we have these experiences with potential for strengthening our walk with God. However, we're often too close to the experiences to process their impact. Capturing these lessons and reflections on paper creates a sort of snapshot allowing us to explore how God is at work.

Even if you’ve never practiced journaling for spiritual reflection before, we've got a few prompts to help you get there.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

"I don't need God," said no one dying alone in the desert ever.

We live in a desert. No matter what part of the planet you consider home, you were born in a desert. We walk a scorched path. The place we call home is the wilderness, a dry and weary land where there is no water. It is possible, even probable, that you do not even realize it.

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