Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Don't Confuse a Church's Slow Pace with Complacency

Every church has a pace built into the culture of its people. Some churches move more slowly. Some move more quickly. While most established churches likely need to pick up the pace, a slow pace does not necessarily mean the church is complacent.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Conformación o Transformación (Continuado)

En el artículo anterior reflexionamos sobre Romanos 12:2 “No os conforméis a este siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro entendimiento, …” Decía que la presión para conformarnos a la cultura es sostenida durante 168 horas a la semana.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

UBA Prays Together June

Every month, UBA features people, events, and ministries we want our people to pray for. So, join us as we pray, because we're always better together.


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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Ministering to Muslims Near and Far

It’s been one week since the end of Ramadan. Missionaries and Muslims have had many spiritual conversations over the last month, and that work will continue as their Muslim friends return to their daily lives. How do missionaries reach Muslims, and how might you do the same?

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Can Your Organization Survive Your Absence?

One of the signs of a healthy organization is how employees are encouraged to take time off. Unfortunately, Churches are notorious for being dependent on a few key figures. Here are a few suggestions for those who need help letting go and leaving well.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What We Have Lost

As one of the largest refugee-receiving cities in the US, there are so many ways to share Christ’s love with “the least of these,” and we’re proud to see our people doing just that. With the approach of World Refugee Day, I want us to think a little about the losses, big and small, that refugees here in Houston experience every day and ways some of our people are at work to make those losses a little less painful.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

World Refugee Day

Every year on June 20th, we celebrate World Refugee Day. It's a time to remember vulnerable refugees across the world and right next door. How does the plight of the refugee motivate us as followers of Christ? What can and should we do about it?

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Avoiding Spiritual Amnesia

Imagine an older man, in his final days, gathering his children around him so that he could give them his final words. What is the one thing he would remind them? What would you say?

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Conformación o transformación

En tiempo de elecciones los candidatos prometen cambiar el país. Lo que intentan cambiar es el sistema, ignorando que son los individuos los que usan el sistema para abusar de otros. Jesús habla de un sistema que requiere cambio del individuo por ello decía: “Arrepentíos porque el Reino de los cielos se ha acercado.”  

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Relief for Guatemala

We have all seen the pictures of Guatemala’s Fuego volcano eruption on Sunday and the damage to both human life and properties. According to the Associated Press, as of Wednesday, June 6, at least 99 people are dead and 197 are still missing following the eruption. We have an opportunity to help provide relief.

Artículo en inglés y español

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