Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
178 Years of Generosity
To say that Hurricane Harvey shook the region of Houston seems like an understatement. Amidst the chaos, stories of human generosity began popping up everywhere. But the story in the media was consistent: the response to Harvey was led by generous churches, and we have a lot of generous churches. Hurricane or not, it's past time for us to begin sharing some of those beautiful stories of generosity. Here are just a few.
Sharing Spaces
I was in a meeting a couple of weeks ago with two churches wanting to share a building. The host church is almost 60 years old, and the church wanting to share their space was an immigrant congregation that is about 5 years old. It was a challenge to work out the details across cultural worldviews and language barriers.
On Mission in England
There is an opportunity for an inspired university student or recent graduate to take a "gap year" for the Lord’s service in a charming part of England. This ministry involves working with children, youth, and parents in a scenic village in England's Lake District, just below Scotland and overlooking the Irish Sea.
La Orquesta
Lo encantador de la música es la combinación de acordes, ritmo y melodía. Uno solo de estos elementos no produce el mismo encanto. Con una sola nota no se puede componer una canción y un solo instrumento no suena lo mismo que una orquesta.
Igual sucede con las iglesias, juntas producen música más encantadora.
Breaking the Cycle—Meet the Speakers
This month, UBA is hosting a free seminar to teach pastors, church leaders, and everyone in our communities more about domestic violence—what it is, how to respond, and how the break the cycle we see both inside and outside the church. It will be in both English and Spanish September 20th, 9-12pm at Ecclesia Houston. This seminar is going to be a challenging time for everyone and will feature two incredible and experienced speakers—Debbie Moseley & Adam Mason.
Bring Back Me 'N Bobby McGee
If Janis Joplin’s song title, Me and Bobby McGee, makes you flinch, you might be an English teacher at heart. When it comes to little old “me,” we seem to have lost our way. As communicators of the gospel, the way we write, speak, and teach matters. So, for the sake of good communication, the grammarians are here to help you out!
What Harvey Taught Us, One Year Later
There's no denying Hurricane Harvey was devastating. Many people lost everything and for months, the trash and debris along the side of the roads was a reminder of the devastation this city had experienced. But, those first rays of sunshine after days of rain brought a glimmer of hope. For disasters, though terrible, often bring out the best in humanity.
The Other Blessing of Family Worship
I read a recent article that said, “A quarter of all parents admit they spend just 34 minutes a day with their children undistracted.” Another article reminded me, “There are only 940 Saturdays between a child's birth and them leaving for college.” This got my attention.
“Estoy muy ocupado manejando para detenerme a echar gasolina”, Stephen Covey. Suena absurdo que una persona prefiera seguir manejando cuando el tablero le anuncia que la gasolina de su vehículo se está agotando.
En octubre 20, 27 y noviembre 3 de 8:30 am a 4:30 pm. Tendremos otro Seminario de la Biblia Thompson durante tres sábados consecutivos
Being Called a Sheep Isn’t a Good Thing
I wrote this journal article while serving in Africa as a missionary. At the time, I was living in a small village far away from city life. The observations made in my time there profoundly shaped how I understand the Bible. I pray this one does the same for you.