Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

3 Ways to Do Kingdom Sowing in our City

One of the things I like about working at Union Baptist Association is the kingdom mentality. I have the privilege of serving outside our institutional boundaries on occasion to serve a broader community. UBA believes we are better together not only at the local level but also as we share the gospel and sow seeds for the Kingdom throughout the world. Here are just three of the many opportunities I have to make a kingdom impact in our city.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

September Prayer Guide

Every month, we feature people, events, and ministries we want our people to pray for. So, join us as we pray to and praise God for what He's done, because we're always better together.

If you have any requests or just want to let us know you’re praying with us, feel free to tag us on Facebook or Twitter, and join the conversation. #UBAPraysTogether

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

How Can You Serve Those Who Serve?

When Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on our Texas coast, firefighters like me got a front-row seat to the damage and destruction 27 trillion gallons and 50 inches of rain can cause. We regularly have to deal with destruction. As Chaplain of the Houston Fire Department, I see the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual toll this work can cause. I cannot do this alone and neither can our firefighters. So, I am seeking local churches to work alongside me. Would you help?

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What's the Foundation of a Team?

I haven’t always been a big fan of teams. My perception of teams was what is commonly known as the 80/20 rule—20% of the people are doing 80% of the work. I generally equated “team” with “committee” and saw both as sterile ground for finding solutions and fertile forums for discord. It was not until I arrived at UBA in 1990 that I encountered a learning culture that differentiated between a group of people on task and a truly high performance team. 

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

The Kingdom Impact of Kindness

I was recently interviewed on a news program and was asked the question, “What is the best way to engage people in conversations that can lead to sharing the gospel?” Of course, there are hundreds of ways, because the Holy Spirit is unlimited and creative in how He can lead us when we are available and responsive. I've found that showing kindness is always a good place to start. 

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Collaborating Through the Years

I was recently archiving some files and came across some info from 2005. That year, Hurricane Rita followed Hurricane Katrina by just a month to the day and devastated New Orleans. Many of our UBA churches—large and small—were heavily involved in helping those who had fled New Orleans. We’re deeply thankful for the action of churches when disaster strikes and proud of a legacy of innovative collaboration in our association. Join us as we reminisce and celebrate some ways we've been better together.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What Are You Asking from Your Mission Trip?

I have spent the last eighteen years going on mission and leading teams on mission through the local church. The Lord has used these years to hone the way I see and lead mission trips. Often, we miss out on the full potential of a mission trip because, though we have a Jesus-centered starting point, we fail to have Jesus-centered goals, measures, and expectations. Here are some things to think about as you plan.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

5 Ways to Last 20 Years in the Same Church

This year, I begin my twenty-fourth year as founding and current pastor of The Brook Church in northwest Houston. Statistics reveal that lasting this long in one church is rare. However, there is a strong correlation between the length of time a pastor stays in a church and the church’s degree of health. So, allow me to share with you some things that I have personally learned or had to learn that have enabled me to make it 20 years. I hope these are encouraging to you no matter where you are in your journey.​

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Open Doors in a Prison Block

Have you ever been surprised at the places and kinds of ministry where God has called you? Sometimes, he asks us to work in the last place we would expect. UBA Church Consultant Sally Hinzie tells of how she got involved in prison ministry and some of the wonderful ways God is at work through his people.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Lead Smarter, Not Harder

Over the years, I have often heard the phrase, “It’s quicker if I just do it myself.” But is that really true when it comes to leadership? The problem with this approach is that it does not take the long view. It saves time only in the short term. You accomplished in a few seconds or a minute or two what it might have taken you half an hour or more to train someone else to do, but you have trapped yourself. Can we use those extra minutes to invest a bigger opportunity?

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