We often think that we need to be a long haul trucker to reach a long haul trucker. Or maybe we need to be a biker to reach a biker. Pastor Marty and Pastor David have shown us with their example that we can learn a new culture and (like Paul says) become like that culture for the sake of the gospel. In so doing, we will share its blessings.
2020's Most Surprisingly Relevant Worship Song
Most of what we experienced this year echos a sense of loss—the fading music and the constant erosion of things we took for granted. I know I'm not alone in feeling the strain. Fortunately for me, however, God's grace in 2020 has reminded me of the things that are most important—and all the things that are not.
The Christian Concept that Changed the World
Church Renewal is an Urgent Gospel Issue
I'm on the Personnel Committee. Now What?
It often surprises me, as I consult with churches and church leadership, that many congregations have elected a Personnel Committee but there is no clear direction given to them. There's no definition of expectation. What is a Personnel Committee supposed to do?
What if you as a committee resolved to encourage, equip, and resource church leadership?
10 Overlooked Prayer Needs of Pastors
People who pray for their pastors usually say they ask the Lord to bless sermon preparation—and for good reason. The Sunday sermon is the best opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of the most people. Yet there are many other reasons to intercede on behalf of the shepherds of the Lord’s congregation. Here are ten often-overlooked ways to pray for pastors.
Willing + Able: How Will Your Church Respond When Disaster Strikes?
If we know anything about disaster relief, it's that preparation for relief must take place long before a disaster strikes. That's why Houston Responds has developed The Willing & Able program to help congregations prepare for disaster and coordinate their response with other congregations in their community. Learn more about how your church can be prepared to act when disaster strikes.
Helping Refugees in Houston
If Houston were a country, it would rank fourth in the world for refugee resettlement. Houston welcomed Vietnamese boat people in the 1970’s. In 2001, Houston opened its doors to thousands of refugees from Hurricane Katrina. And now, Houston continues to receive refugees fleeing persecution, war, or violence from over forty countries. But what is it like once these refugees arrive, and what kind of support do they still need?
Pursuing Emotional Health During Crisis
This week, we're featuring an excellent conversation from the Replant Bootcamp Podcast. Dr. James Hawkins discusses how to stay emotionally healthy during a time of crisis. With the heaviness of so many current events, we could all use Dr. Hawkins’ practical advice on how to develop and maintain our emotional health.
Stewarding your Returning Missionaries—a Letter to Local Churches
For the majority of our missionaries, moving halfway across the world for the sake of the gospel started out as a desire they shared with us one day. Shortly after that conversation, our journey to send them started. There is a lot of work that goes into preparing families and singles for the mission field. As sending churches, it is important to follow through as they return as well.