Insights from in and around the association

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

6 Foolproof Questions for Discovery Bible Study

Any Bible study method that leads to an extended family being saved, starting a house church, and deploying two missionaries to start a church in their home country (when the missionary does not even speak the language!) has to be God-breathed.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

How to Help in the Aftermath of Hurricane Laura

Now it’s our turn to help those affected by a devastating storm and to employ what we learned from that experience. There is no infrastructure to support even high-level volunteers. The best way to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Laura is to give financially and connect with people who are currently on the ground.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Iglesia Virtual

Las medidas que se han tomado para lidiar con el contagio han obligado a los pastores a incursionar en la predicación online. Y algunos pastores comenzaron a reportar que la asistencia a su iglesia se había cuadruplicado o quintuplicado.

La conclusión es que sus iglesias habían crecido y se habían convertido en una iglesia virtual. Pero, un momento, vamos a digerir esto un poco más despacio.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What Churches Can and Cannot Say During Elections

It's election season! With that comes some uncertainty about how—if at all—churches can act towards political campaigns and candidates. It all seems a bit confusing. To gain perspective about the mechanics of what churches can and cannot do and what the consequences might be, our Executive Director Josh Ellis reached out to Dr. Marvin McNeese Jr, a political science professor at the College of Biblical Studies and a Deacon at Houston's First Baptist Church.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

6 Dangerous Social Media Habits Pastors Should Avoid

“… And he’s a pastor!” I hear this phrase almost every week about a pastor’s online activity—namely, their treatment toward another human being through harsh speech. It’s almost as if we get behind a keyboard or touchscreen and forget our calling as heralds of God’s Word, shepherds of God’s people.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

How Can Churches Serve their Communities?

“Teachers, school staff, and students are understandably nervous about going back to school right now,” says Marilyn Lee, Executive Director of Loving Houston. “Let’s pray for God’s protection and provision for all of our Greater Houston schools.” Whether or not you already have a church-school partnership, you can meet the needs of schools for this particularly challenging year.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

2020 Continues: Hurricane Season

Coming as a shock to no one, 2020 is living up to forecasts for being one of the busiest storm seasons on record! Should a significant hurricane hit Houston—this year especially—there will be a palpable sense of hopelessness in the city. The Church must be prepared to minister to those inside and outside its walls.

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Sally Hinzie Sally Hinzie

The Trellis and the Vine

Church Consultant Sally Hinzie is an avid reader and a practical thinker. She condenses The Trellis and the Vine into a quick, easy-to-read review.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Reaching Your Cross-Cultural Neighbors from a Social Distance

Thanks to COVID-19, many Christians might feel at a loss for how to live out the Great Commission call in day-to-day life. How could we possibly go and make disciples of all nations when simply engaging with friends, family, and our church community seems so difficult? However, you can find creative ways to reach the nations near you—even in a global pandemic.

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