Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Churches and Refugee Resettlement, Round 2
With an increased number of refugees resettling and a decreased amount of infrastructure to support them, churches can meet some very real needs right now.
Meet the UBA
UBA is a relational network of churches working toward a common goal. In order to do that well, we have to actually be in relationship with one another, and we need to know why the association exists.
Healthy Church Work: Why Steve Bezner Loves UBA
Pastor Steve Bezner of Houston Northwest highlights how the Union Baptist Association works to support healthy church work in every nook and cranny of the greater Houston area.
El Final de un Glorioso Comienzo
En los Estados Unidos, es muy común encontrar iglesias anglo con ministerios hispanos. Lamentablemente, en mi experiencia estos ministerios hispanos en un promedio más alto que el que quisiera admitir, terminan en un estado de lo que yo llamo "esquizofrenia estructural." Es cuando la identidad del ministerio se pierde, y ya no se sabe si son un ministerio o una iglesia autónoma.
4 R.E.A.L. Challenges for Women on the Mission Field
When we started a missionary home group, we assumed it'd be full of Boomer missionaries like we had experienced in the past. Instead, it was a diverse crowd. There were some Boomers like us, but word of our home group had resonated with one particular demographic looking for community—single, millennial women.
Church Profiles: Ken Durham and Juncture Church
Juncture is one example of using your skills to serve the community, raising up leaders from within, and doing what it takes to reach the lost in your context.
Mi Pequeña Luz
Si usted vive en Texas, el mes de febrero experimentó de alguna manera la “gran Helada.” Por casi una semana, experimentamos temperaturas tan bajas que rompieron los récords de más de 100 años.
Raising Up Church Leaders From Within
The stories of a lack of leadership are endless. Unhealthy churches expect other churches to raise up and release the leaders their church needs or will need. Healthy churches raise up leaders, disciple and mentor them, and give them opportunities to serve within the congregation.
Three-Fold Message of Salvation
The gospel resonates in all cultures, and we need to know how to share it.
3 Helpful Ways for Older Pastors to Mentor Younger Pastors
The fifty-year veteran of shepherding has much to offer the newbie through mentoring. Unfortunately, mentoring can often be more haphazard than fruitful. It doesn’t have to be this way. How can older pastors mentor younger pastors in a way that is helpful for the congregation? Here are 3 ways.