Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Pastor Appreciation Month—Why is it Important?
Regardless of your church or staff size, take care of the people who feel God’s call on their life to lead and take care of you. From ministry interns to senior pastors, we need them at their best, because they often see us at our worst.
Mes de la Herencia Hispana
Somos más de 50 millones de personas, buscando su identidad, y una vida mejor que no está en el sueño americano. 50 millones de personas viviendo en un lugar de libertad donde el evangelio es predicado todos los días y de diferentes maneras. ¿Cómo podemos recoger la red? Y ¿Cuál es la visión de Dios para el pueblo hispano de USA?
Praying for You, Praying for Us
Let’s all get to know one another better over the next 64 days that we will be praying together for the churches in UBA.
Prayers and Conversations that Ignite Movements
We can fully expect that God will honor our prayers and the seed of His Word as we sow it into the lives of others.
Renew: A Citywide Celebration of God's Faithfulness
It's been a year. But Sunday, October 24, is an opportunity for you and everyone from your church to join us in a demonstration of unity and a moment of praise for God's faithfulness.
Why We Need Denominations—or Fellowships or Families of Churches
You get a lot more done for the Kingdom by working with other churches. Call it a denomination, a federation, a fellowship, or whatever you will. We need one another.
8 Ways to Incorporate Apologetics into the Daily Life of Your Church
Just as we can incorporate theology or evangelism teaching into the life of the church, Christian apologetics can also be introduced to your congregation.
10 Ways for Pastors to be More Relational
Just because you work with people doesn’t mean you have good relationships. Here are 10 tips to help out.
La asistencia no debe ser el piloto de nuestro ministerio, sino el copiloto.
Attendance should not be the pilot of our ministry, but the co-pilot.
Meditation and Hope for the Highs and Lows of Ministry
Ministry certainly has its highs and lows, but there is something to treasure in every season.