Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Centering on the Margins
Church leaders would do well to ask “What types of people live in our community but don’t come to our church?” Centering in these margins can help reach otherwise invisible people.
Worth the Journey
Commutes are never fun, but a Parkway Place employee shares why she doesn't mind the extra miles.
One Thing Not to Say to Foster Parents
Foster care is hard work, and the goal is not to remain unaffected by children. Instead, we must all ourselves how we might serve kids in hard situations.
Reaching the Islands with Gifts and the Gospel
Children on a remote island in the Pacific receive the gospel of Christ through Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts.
Interview with Dana Bowdoin
UBA's Administrative Assistant Dana Bowdoin shares her fascinating family history, excitement about our renovated office building, and humility to serve behind the scenes to support our churches.
Three Cheers for Volunteers!
Who was most blessed by the Mission Centers of Houston's picnic for the homeless? Everyone!
Mental Health in the Church
Mental health and psychology have become the common language for our people, especially among younger generations. How should leaders relate?
Is There Room at Your Table?
How might God want you to respond to the 15,000 children—in Texas alone—who need a safe table at which to belong? Could you foster a child or support those who do? Here are a few ways to get started.
Dear Minister, Your Work is not in Vain
Encouragement for those called to minister in difficult places and times.