Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
¿Qué enseñó Jesús sobre el discipulado?
Marcos (8:34) relata la enseñanza más aguda de Jesús sobre la naturaleza del discipulado.
Mark (8:34) recounts Jesus' most insightful teaching on the nature of discipleship.
Mission Leaders, Are You Nearsighted?
Missionary leaders are necessarily passionate and focused. In time though, though, they can find themselves busy and isolated. Our nearsightedness slows us down.
"Get Your Texas On" for a Good Cause at Barbeque, Boots and Boogie
Join Mission Centers of Houston for a fun night of live music, dancing, and auctions for a good cause!
Amistad, una Relación más Elevada
Las redes sociales se jactan de poder enlazar una red de amistades, pero la realidad es que la gran mayoría de los usuarios solo logran tener muchos conocidos, pero muy pocos amigos. Por otro lado, para los pastores y ministros cristianos, debido a las demandas del ministerio, desarrollar amistades profundas se complica. La amistad es una relación de ecuanimidad y equidad que necesita ser cultivada todos los días.
While social networks boast of being able to link a network of friends, the reality is that the vast majority of users only manage to have acquaintances, but very few friends. Often for pastors and Christian ministers, the demands of the ministry make it very complicated to develop truly deep friendships. Friendship is a relationship of balance and equity that needs to be cultivated every day.
Pastors: Stop Competing and Start Hanging Out
What happens when pastors stop competing with one another and become friends instead? God’s work multiplies!
Courageous Comfort: 3 Ways the Church Ministers in Grief
I am so glad my church did not shy away from us in our grief. Like the courageous firefighters who jumped into dangerous waters to search for my son, my church selflessly jumped into the whirling, battering waters of grief with us.
Generosity: How Does Your Work Bless Others?
How Buckner provided light to one family in dark times.
Why Do We Need Missionary Sending Cohorts?
How can support and structure help missionaries strengthen their resolve?
Waiting for Jesus
When I was pregnant with my first child, I did what many expectant moms do—I waited with excitement and hope for my baby. I learned that the deep sense of expectant waiting that I felt during pregnancy had a name and a season in the Christian world: Advent.
Whereas Christmas is the fulfillment of God’s promises, the weeks of Advent are the symbol of our hopeful expectation of God coming to us to fulfill His promises. These weeks can teach us so much about what it means to follow God—in the best and worst of times.
Want to Help Ukrainian Children in Crisis? Here's How
In this season of generosity, consider how your church or small group could join the effort to support Ukrainian families in need. Contact Sally Hinzie if you’re interested in helping.