The Preacher's Collective is a UBA initiative to provide fellowship and training to preachers while meeting the needs of churches in transition.
Gospel Proclamation
Transitions are inevitable in the life of local churches that persist in faithful ministry. Often times, a church transition involves change in pastoral leadership. At any given time, several local churches in Houston find themselves in the middle of one of these transitions. These churches still desire to continue in corporate worship and to sit under the preaching of God's Word as they navigate the process of searching for new pastoral leadership.
The Preacher's Collective meets their time-sensitive need by providing access to a selection of preachers, recommended by other UBA churches, in order to continue the Word ministry of the church during these moments of transition.
Fellowship And Training
One of UBA’s primary goals is to see a city full of churches working together to cooperatively send their own members into an array of Great Commission tasks.
The key to any sending culture is the concept of calling out the called, and pastoral and preaching ministry are key areas where we hope to see our churches across Houston begin to identify, equip, and send their own members to be pastors and preachers elsewhere.
The best way to learn is by doing, and providing pulpit supply for churches in transition is an excellent way to gain experience and discern a calling into pastoral ministry. Designed especially for those considering a call into pastoral of local church ministry, the Preacher's Collective provides members with additional opportunities to preach in local church across Houston.
Members of the Preacher’s Collective must be:
A member in good standing of a UBA church for at least 6 months.
Recommended by their senior pastor or other ordained staff member of their local church.
Able to travel to local churches around the Houston metro area to preach during corporate worship services on Sunday mornings.