May 2018
Every month, UBA features people, events, and ministries we want our people to pray for. So, join us as we pray, because we're always better together.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 18:20”
Josh Ellis, Executive Director
Pray for UBA Executive Director, Josh Ellis, as he meets with pastors and leaders of our African-American congregations to prayerfully seek God’s direction in discerning the most effective means to serve the African-American congregations in UBA.
Pakistani in Houston & the World
Pray for P., a Pakistani believer, who is leading an Urdu-speaking Pakistani congregation in the northwest area of Houston. The nation of Pakistan is the home of the third largest Muslim population in the world. The city of Houston is home to more than 75,000 Pakistanis, most of whom are Urdu speakers and come from a Muslim background. Pray that those who do not know the joy and peace of life in Christ will be open to the message of his Good News.
MCH Summer Missionaries
Pray for a fruitful and productive summer for the 12 missionaries coming from Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas to serve at the Mission Centers of Houston this summer. They will be immersed in an experience that is both exhausting and exhilarating. Pray that the gospel seeds they sow will bear fruit in the lives of children, teens, and families. Pray the missionaries themselves will also grow in their faith and walk with Christ.
You can do even more than pray, too. You can Feed the Summer Missionaries by signing up to provide a full meal or the necessary supplies for lunch.
Summer Children & Youth Ministries
Pray for Phil Springer, Executive Director of the UBA Trinity Pines Conference Center, and Jeff Chadwick, Executive Director of the UBA Mission Centers of Houston, as they launch their summer ministries. For these two, summer is an intense and extended period of non-stop activity. During a time when many families are vacationing and enjoying a break, the leaders of our TPCC and MCH are involved in some of the most intense weeks of their year. Pray for their spouses Melanie and Cheryl who are ministry partners and also deeply involved in the weeks of ministry.
The Welfare of the City
“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Jeremiah 29:7 (ESV)
Pray that the churches of UBA will collaborate on things that matter for the Kingdom- things that bring spiritual welfare to our area as well as a better quality of life.
Churches & Pastors in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
Sally Hinzie, UBA Consultant and Virtual Strategy Coordinator for Nizhniy Novgorod, asks prayer for a group of nearly 20 evangelical pastors in the city. While there are still reports of harassment of churches in the area, the pastors have the joy of Jesus on their faces. One pastor admits, “We live in interesting times.” Pray that God would protect them and the believers in their churches from evil - just as Jesus prayed in John 17:15.
Experience a Virtual Prayer Walk around Nizhniy Novgorod.
Multiplying Churches Organically
Pray for Terrejon de Ardos, a pastor in Spain, with Iglesia Bautista Emanuel. Gloria & Campo will be meeting with him during their vacation to share how to begin an Organic Bible Institute. Pray that their efforts will be fruitful for the Kingdom.
Muslim Friends & Neighbors
Pray for S., a Muslim-background believer who desires to assist others in developing strong, positive relationships with Muslim friends and neighbors.
Keelan & the Peoples Next Door Cohort
Pray that the Peoples Next Door Cohort will provide a place of encouragement, prayer, and mutual learning as leaders catch the vision to move beyond their comfort zones and engage the diverse people groups around them. Keelan Cook is leading this initiative and gathering the cohort. Pray that the group will be able to identify those around them from other cultures and people groups and determine effective ways to share the Good News.
Marie Burrus, UBA’s Newest Team Member
Pray for Marie Burrus, the newest member of our UBA Team. Marie serves as a part-time Communications Specialist and manages our blog and social media accounts from out of state. Pray that she will be able to have a strong understanding of our Houston mission field and the UBA vision. Pray that we provide a strong welcome to the team and that she will feel connected.
Multiplying Disciples
Pray for the pastors and leaders who participated in the Thompson Bible Study Seminar. They were trained to lead smaller cohorts in the use of the Thompson Bible. Pray that they will be able to effectively apply their learning, engage others to become leaders, and effectively mentor those in their groups.
Church Planting Strategies
Pray for Keelan, Sally, Victor, and Alex as they meet to plan and strategize for the most effective ways to assist churches in identifying, training, and deploying church planters.