May we take encouragement from Lough Ah Fook’s story. God can use whatever “small” thing you’re doing for the gospel today to make an impact you could never imagine.
How can you look up from the needs and ministries of your local church to strategically identify, equip, send, and support people for ministry? Sending Pathways helps you do just that!
With small shifts in our mindset, we can tap into the resources that we already have to identify, equip, send, and support the next generation of gospel ministers.
Todos somos enviados a dar continuidad a la MISIÓN DE JESÚS, de extender el evangelio en todas partes, hacer discípulos, que sean bautizados y se reproduzcan en otros que continúen la misión.
We follow a God of renewal, who brings beauty from ashes, and this is one of those stories of His renewal within our midst. Watch this video or read and rejoice with us!
6 in 10. That's the number put out by Lifeway Research concerning the number of churches in North America that are plateaued or declining in number. That's grim news. We mourn the 6 in 10 because of the loss of gospel witness. So we must work to see church renewal starting here in Houston.