How Sharing Space Gave These Churches a Kingdom Perspective
What is the "Renewal Pathway?” It's a way for churches to find new life and work together for God's Kingdom in their community.
In this video, Joe Schwenk, Pastor of Baybook Baptist Church, tells how they began to look for ways to bless other congregations with their church building.
The Union Baptist Association connected them with Iglesia Aliento de Vida, a Hispanic church that needed a place to meet.
Juan Rosado, the lead pastor of Iglesia Aliento de Vida, knew the baybrook community and had grown up in the area. They felt God wanted them there.
Watch the video to learn about how these two congregations showed support, respect, and the love of God for one another.
Creo que es hora de que tomemos en serio una visión más holística de nuestra ciudad.
Whether it's making a meal, teaching Zumba, doing crafts, or playing games, serving others (and allowing yourself to be served) is a blessing to us all.
Let’s put aside time and convenience to embrace a desperation for God.
By reclaiming the the biblical understanding of brothers and sisters in Christ, the church can be a picture of healthy community in a relationally confused world.
What was once the fledgling project of a local Christian radio station has now become a ministry project that has impacted children and families in nearly every corner of the world.
How can leaders develop a healthy culture for their church staff?
Connect with and serve your neighbors through Good Neighbor Days
What kinds of stressors do ministers face, and how can we manage those stressors well?
Through the lens of God's love, parents can learn to love their children well and be the best example for them.
Pero en un mundo que clama por autenticidad y relaciones profundas, surge una necesidad: un discipulado que sea más orgánico, más relacional y verdaderamente transformador.