Why Does Worldview Matter for Students?
Who am I?
Why I am here?
Where am I going?
And what does faithful Christian living look like in an increasingly post-Christian world?
These are questions that young people are asking parents, pastors, and youth leaders.
Students today are bombarded by messages that are contrary to the way of Jesus. So how do they know what to believe about things like sexuality and gender and how can they summon the courage to stand up for what they believe?
Youth and college students especially have to understand cultural issues as they grow in their own faith and begin discipling others.
We believe every human being is made in the image of God and has dignity and worth. We believe Christ has redeemed us from sin and is restoring us to our original God-glorifying purpose. We believe the Creator who designed us knows, better than us, what is best for us.
Regardless of where God is calling students—to the mission field, to the business world, to athletics, to public service, to the job site—they need to know what they believe before they go. If you don’t intentionally cultivate a Christian worldview, the world will shape you with a different set of beliefs.
“Regardless of where God is calling students—to the mission field, to the business world, to athletics, to public service, to the job site—they need to know what they believe before they go. ”
Texas Baptist College is hosting a special Worldview Night at Sagemont Church. The goal of this event is to help equip young people with the truth of God’s Word and the tools they need to go into the world and live out their calling.
So join us Thursday Night, September 22nd, at Sagemont Baptist Church in Houston. We’ll share a meal, hear from engaging speakers, and fellowship. Find out more information about Texas Baptist College.
We believe God is calling young people to make a difference in their generation, to step into their callings with courage and civility, to live on mission for God as his redeemed image-bearers, sharing the good news of the gospel with the world. We want to help equip you to pursue God’s call upon your life—with faith and without fear.
Daniel Darling is an author, pastor, and leader. He is the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
They are bombarded by messages that are contrary to the way of Jesus. So how do they know what to believe about things like sexuality and gender and other cultural issues? And how they can summon the courage to stand up for what they believe?