Your Top 10 Articles of 2023
Each year, we look back on some of our readers’ favorites from the blog. The most-visited articles from the year not only give us a snapshot of what people were thinking about but also compile some great articles all in on place.
From Dungeons & Dragons to dissolution clauses and everything in between, we think you'll enjoy these fun and informative articles from this year.
By: Tony Wolfe
The interest in unity at the top of our list is no surprise to those of us in ministry. So many of us long for unity and want to see it lived out as Jesus tells us we’ll see in the Kingdom of God.
Yet, life here on earth is messy. Can Christ’s Body be unified despite what otherwise threatens to divide?
By: Gene Burrus
Gender and sexuality are hot-button issues in our rapidly changing culture. As God’s people, we know prayer is essential, especially in challenging cultural moments. The tension of love and truth beckons us to pray and ask the Lord for wisdom.
By: Tony Wolfe
While American society might disregard senior adults, they’re an essential part of your church community. Let’s tap into our senior adults' wisdom, perspective, and legacy of faith as we lean into intergenerational discipleship.
By: Josh Ellis
Baptist polity can get pretty confusing. Josh breaks it down to help us understand church autonomy and what that means for our connection to other Baptist entities.
As he puts it, “It’s complicated. But it works.”
By: John Redmond
Who doesn’t want a more peaceful heart?! In yet another listicle of 7, we break down John Redmond’s guide to finding peace even when things aren’t so peaceful around you. It’s no surprise it made the top 10.
By: John Litzler
In this technical but incredibly helpful article, attorney John Litzler explains the dissolution clause, why it matters, and how it can save (or cost!) your church decades of property tax payments.
As our churches have looked through their documents, this article has helped keep them legal and prevent them from paying unnecessary property taxes.
By: Sally Hinzie
We’re always looking for the most effective Bible study methods. Sally Hinzie helps us with 6 simple questions to guide your Bible study with people at all levels of Bible literacy. She’s seen it pay dividends in teaching people how to think about and engage the Bible well.
By: Josh Ellis
The 2023 Southern Baptist Annual Convention meeting left many of us with questions. Josh breaks down what happened at this year’s Annual Convention and what it means for cooperation at an associational level.
2023 brought a host of new members to our associational staff—one (Darrell Jackson) was even hired after this article was written! This article details a bit about the others—José Perez, Melody Brackett, and Marie Burrus—and their new (or shifting) roles in supporting our churches.
By: Keelan Cook
It’s hard to know where to begin in sharing the gospel. We can’t share effectively just using a canned gospel presentation or assuming someone is Christian when they’re not. Keelan Cook shares four questions to start the conversation in an increasingly complex religious community.
We hope you enjoyed this look back on your favorites from 2021. If you have any topics or authors you'd like to see on our blog, reach out or our editor, Marie Burrus. We love to host helpful articles for you and all of our churches in the Greater Houston Area.
Happy New Year!
Pero en un mundo que clama por autenticidad y relaciones profundas, surge una necesidad: un discipulado que sea más orgánico, más relacional y verdaderamente transformador.