Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Pastor Appreciation Month—Why is it Important?

There was an old Isotoner Glove commercial featuring Hall of Fame Quarterback Dan Marino saying the tagline, “Take care of the hands that take care of you.” Regardless of your church or staff size, take care of the people who feel God’s call on their life to lead and take care of you. From ministry interns to senior pastors, we need them at their best, because they often see us at our worst.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Social (Media) Resources for Reaching Your Neighbors

How do unchurched Millennials find community? Why, the Internet, of course! I've compiled a list of a few helpful resources for finding people and joining them in their everyday lives. I hope that you can use these as tools to share Christ with people where they are.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What's Changing in Russia

Traveling to Russia 27 times over the course of 24 years comes with its benefits. You get to know the land, the culture, and many helpful things in doing ministry. Even more excitingly, though, you get to see how God is at work in and through the people. Of that, we have stories we have to tell!

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Don't Waste Your Hurricane

Ever feel like the ongoing task of disaster relief is too much for your church? It probably is, but Houston Responds provides a way for churches to be more—together. Come to the Disaster Response Summit October 11, 1-9 p.m. at Chapelwood United Methodist Church. Get acquainted with Houston responds, hear what other churches are doing, and connect with potential partners in disaster recovery ministry. The Summit is free of charge. To register or find out more go to

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Does Your False Self Preach a False Gospel?

We all have different masks—or false selves—we put on, versions of ourself we wish were true. These identities can range anywhere from helpful, to innocuous, to even detrimental to our spiritual health. Let’s take a moment to examine the dangerous false selves we present and how they might damage not only our walk with Christ but also our witness and community.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Simple Practices to Deepen Your Devotional Life

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has created us in his image with a mind, heart, soul, and five wonderful senses. God has created our entire being as a means to experience him more fully. Let’s explore a few of the methods that you can practice to make your time with God a richer experience.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Saber Perdonar

Las escrituras revelan a Dios como perdonador (Salmos 86:5 Tú, Señor, eres bueno y perdonador; grande es tu amor por todos los que te invocan.) La realidad es que nunca nos parecemos más a Dios que cuando perdonamos, pero qué difícil es para nosotros perdonar.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Engaging the Issue of Domestic Violence

I’ve never been a victim of domestic violence, but I have literally heard the cries of victims for help. Before joining the staff of UBA in 2005, I was the Volunteer Coordinator for The Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Like every person at The Bridge, part of my employee orientation was to listen to 30 minutes of 911 calls from people in the midst of domestic disturbances who were crying for help—some who were uttering their last words on Earth.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Two Reasons You Should Be a Missionary

Though I recently posted an article cautioning against being a missionary too quickly, I believe it is also as important to cast a vision for the joy that is found in following God to the ends of the earth.

My time overseas as a missionary in West Africa were some of the most formative years of my life. You do not have to serve in a foreign country to be close to the Lord or obedient to his call. However, I do know that missionary service has some unique joys. Here are two:

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Three Reasons You Should Not be a Missionary

If you are thinking about going overseas, you need to consider a few things in discerning your call. Pastor, if you have people who want to go (and you should), you need to be looking for these things in their hearts. We need many more people to serve overseas as missionaries, but the truth is, not everyone should. Not everyone is ready, and not everyone has the right motivation.

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