Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

5 Lessons I've Learned from Missionaries

5 years ago, I took the role of Minister of Missionary Care at Houston's First. It has been one of the most rewarding and stretching positions I have ever experienced in my short ministry career. Our team has seen and heard it all—from religious persecution to church planting movements, hidden depression to unexplainable joy through trials. Whether it comes through a screen or across the table, we have learned some life lessons from our missionary partners, and we would love to share some with you.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

No Child Should Sleep on the Floor

As you go to sleep tonight, think about the value of a comfortable and safe place to sleep. Sleep is not only a necessity, but it's also a vulnerable state. The last thing a child should have to think about is where they have to sleep. If you would like to help sponsor, build, and/or deliver beds for children who currently have no bed to sleep in, NW Houston's chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace will have an open build day Saturday. Sign up now!

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

How Poor Communication Skills are Hurting Your Gospel Witness

Why are many Christians so offensive, aggressive, or just downright weird in the way we share the gospel? More often than not, our problem is not our theology behind our conversations but rather our methodology. The gospel may be a stumbling block, but the way we share it shouldn't be. So, let's learn to be winsome without losing the truth of Scripture. Here are five strategies to help you be a more effective communicator and a better gospel witness. 

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Better Together in Our Communities

At UBA, we talk a lot about being better together—because we know it to be true. When churches work together to advance the gospel, they can do all kinds of things that would never have been possible for each individual church. In the same way, churches can also partner with schools in their communities, as well. We recently got the chance to talk with Kevin Alvarez, lead pastor of Long Point Baptist Church, and hear how Loving Houston helped connect and equip his church to be better together with their local school district. 

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

October Prayer Guide

Every month, we feature people, events, and ministries we want our people to pray for. So, join us as we pray to and praise God for what He's done, because we're always better together.

If you have any requests or just want to let us know you’re praying with us, feel free to tag us on Facebook or Twitter, and join the conversation. #UBAPraysTogether

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What Churches Can and Cannot Say During Elections

It's election season! With that comes some uncertainty about how—if at all—churches can act towards political campaigns and candidates. It all seems a bit confusing. To gain perspective about the mechanics of what churches can and cannot do and what the consequences might be, our Executive Director Josh Ellis reached out to Dr. Marvin McNeese Jr, a political science professor at the College of Biblical Studies and a Deacon at Houston's First Baptist Church.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Restaurando al Ofensor

Todos hemos oído historias de escándalos públicos de algún líder espiritual, pastor, o un miembro de la congregación envueltos en pecados. Usualmente, los daños de esas fallas moral afectan todo el cuerpo de Cristo y en particular a las familias de los ofensores.  Cuando este tipo de ofensas ocurren, la integridad del ministerio de la iglesia se compromete. Las personas son dañadas hasta el punto de perder la confianza en el poder del evangelio y la obra redentora de Cristo. 

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

5 Key Elements at the Core of an Effective Team

How many licks to the center to a Tootsie Pop? No matter how hard various cartoon creatures have tried, they have all failed to slowly make to the candy center. Because it's the center—that tootsie roll (or bubble gum) core—that everyone loves. It's that core that makes a Tootsie Pop what it is. Otherwise, it's just another run-of-the-mill lollipop. Likewise, there are certain elements that make an effective team: diversity, trust, competence, empowerment, and dialogue. 

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Translating Your Vision

One evening when our adult kids were home for Christmas, we entertained ourselves with Google translate by translating phrases back and forth to see how they might change. Communicating clearly and effectively is both important and challenging for church and ministry leaders. How often have you conveyed a key message and then been shocked at how it was misunderstood by others? Probably far more often than you would like.

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Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Love on the Streets of Osaka

This past summer, I led a group from Woodridge Church to go serve alongside IMB missionaries in Osaka, Japan. On this trip, I saw both the darkness in Japan as well as the hope that Christ offers the Japanese people.  That's why I'm excited about an upcoming training for those interested in reaching Japanese people in Japan as well as in Houston. This free event is Friday, September 13th at the UBA offices from 10am-12pm.

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