Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Iniciativa de Apoyo Técnico para Iglesias Pequeñas
Aunque han mejorado mucho desde aquellos primeros días de la pandemia, nuestras iglesias pequeñas aún no cuentan con los recursos necesarios para producir una buena calidad de transmisión.
Pero, Dios que es dueño del oro y de la plata que está más interesado que nosotros en la proclamación del evangelio de Jesucristo hasta los confines de la tierra ha levantado un grupo de líderes y ministerios de la iglesia con el objetivo único de proporcionar los recursos que nuestras pequeñas iglesias necesitan para predicar el evangelio en las redes sociales—y hacerlo con calidad y profesionalismo.
How to Share the Gospel: A Quick Word on Narratives and Themes
There are two ways to consider the gospel which aid in understanding: a thematic approach and a narrative approach. You have probably heard both, but understanding both and why they are important will help you know the gospel better and explain the gospel better.
What's the Value of Christian Unity?
Christian unity may be costly but not so much as our division. A look at the early church shows that pagans were drawn to the church because of their love for each other. People today still need that love—especially in times of crisis. We lift up our Savior by loving His sheep.
Please Help in the Aftermath of Hurricane Delta
Of all the named storms in 2020, only one briefly touched Florida, while four have hit Louisiana. Churches must rise up to address gaps in the system. Our friends in Lake Charles specifically need our help still, so here are some updated ways to serve them.
What's Your Narrative?
What is the overarching narrative that runs through your church or ministry right now? At the risk of being too simplistic, it is probably one of two extremes. One is a story of woe and discouragement. The other is curiosity and anticipation. The themes and stories that you emphasize in your communication will set the tone for your church or ministry.
100% of Pastors Share this Trait
Over the past several months of counseling and conversations with men and women in ministry, there is a very common theme that continues to surface. One particular sentiment is voiced in almost every conversation—”I’m tired.” Aren’t we all?
To not be tired in a season like this would almost be, un-human.
Estimado Pastor, Por Favor No nos Deje Ahora
Las estadísticas son horribles y las historias desgarradoras. Si algo no cambia, la iglesia en los Estados Unidos enfrentará desafíos sin precedentes el próximo año y muchas congregaciones locales no sobrevivirán. ¿Cuál es la tragedia? La creciente realización de que un porcentaje significativo de pastores están considerando dejar sus iglesias.
Don't Forget Louisiana—A Hurricane Laura Update
You probably remember the time after Harvey—when the news cycle moved on, the first volunteers tired out, and so much work remained. This seclusion is even more palpable in Lake Charles, where power and water are just now being restored and the disparity between served and underserved neighborhoods is becoming clear. Let’s remind our Cajun neighbors that we’re in this together.
Ask these four questions to know what someone really believes.
With the remarkable diversity we find around ourselves today, we can no longer assume we understand someone’s religious background. This is obvious when we talk about discovering and engaging unreached people groups around us. Here are four simple questions to get at the heart of what a person believes—because everyone believes something.
5 Action Steps Churches Can Take Toward Racial Reconciliation
After George Floyd’s murder sparked a renewed urgency in calls for societal change, pastors from around the Greater Houston area gathered to think spiritually and to collaborate strategically in this race conversation. Together, we developed five action items toward racial reconciliation.
For step one, we pray that you would consider joining in a sermon series as we seek to serve our city.