En un mundo donde los pastores enfrentan desafíos emocionales, presiones ministeriales y cuestionamientos de fe, el acto de cuidarse a sí mismos no es un signo de debilidad, sino un testimonio poderoso de humildad y sabiduría.
In a world where pastors face emotional challenges, ministerial pressures, and questions of faith, the act of self-care is not a sign of weakness, but a powerful testimony of humility and wisdom.
As I look back on my years as a senior pastor, I think of things I would do differently during this season today if I were again a senior leader in a church.
The Annual Celebration is one of the best living experiences of UBA's diversity, gospel unity, collaborative nature, and celebration of God's work in all corners of our city.
Here are five things you need to know before you get there.