Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

Josh Ellis Josh Ellis

5 Things you Need to Know Before the Annual Celebration

The Annual Celebration is one of the best living experiences of UBA's diversity, gospel unity, collaborative nature, and celebration of God's work in all corners of our city.

Here are five things you need to know before you get there.

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Victor Marte Victor Marte

Pastoreando a Tu Pastor

Octubre es el mes del pastor. Si todos somos cuerpo, necesitamos el ministerio particular los unos de los demás. Aprende a pastorear tu pastor.

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Josh Ellis Josh Ellis

3 Pastor Appreciation Gifts Ministers Really Want

For those of you who have never had the blessing of being a pastor—and maybe you even wonder why pastor appreciation month exists—allow me to provide some clarity and suggestions for Pastor Appreciation Month

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Guest Guest

2 Razones para Plantar Iglesias Hispanas

Todos somos enviados a dar continuidad a la MISIÓN DE JESÚS, de extender el evangelio en todas partes, hacer discípulos, que sean bautizados y se reproduzcan en otros que continúen la misión.

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