Make It Matter—How Collaborative Innovation Helped Provide Durable, Safe Homes
Over 20 years ago, Lynette Francois had the vision to be a blessing over houses and lands spread out across the world. At the time, she wasn't really sure what that meant or even where to start. Over the years, however, God brought the right situations and the right people to work together to make an impact throughout Haiti and beyond.
Taking on a God-Sized Task
The path forward started when Dr. John Ogletree, the pastor at First Metropolitan Church, was asking for someone to help with the mostly dormant international ministry. They were looking for leadership, and Lynette almost involuntarily raised her hand when they asked. Her mother, Bertha Vaughns, has been involved in ministry for Lynette's whole life, so she had a good framework and mentor for what the task might require. So, she stepped up to take the role.
The pastor's vision was to go to Haiti, and Lynette was charged with making that happen. Right away, she and the team knew this vision to impact Haiti was much too big for the team at First Metropolitan to do alone. She connected and shared the vision for Haiti with other churches and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority's Houston Alumnae chapter—who were looking for a mission project. They worked with Texas Baptists (BGCT) to find a good, vetted group they could partner with to help.
Gathering a Team
For the first trip in 2013, volunteers from First Metropolitan and First Heights partnered with Sharon and Ernie Rice who live and work in Haiti. To this day, Lynette and others remain connected with the Rices. While on that first mission trip, the Rices told them about Lifeline Christian Mission and encouraged them to join with the work they are doing.
The team really liked the idea of investing in housing, so that next year, members from Bethany Baptist Church joined with those from First Heights and First Metropolitan to take a mission trip through Lifeline Christian Mission. Through that mission trip, they were compelled by the impact that building a home can have on a family and community.
For each trip, each person and church was tasked with raising their own funding. They created ministries within four different churches, but the team still remained closely connected. They collaborated by sharing missions lessons, cooperating for fundraisers, and each pledging towards the goal.
By 2018, this collection of people from various churches and organizations formed Make It Matter in order to streamline their efforts. As a 501c3, they could simplify fundraising and more easily partner with social organizations, community members, and corporate partners such as Shell, LyondellBasell, and DellEMC. Make It Matter was creating service opportunities for church members, corporate partners, and regular members of the community to go on mission trips.
Make it Matter, Inc provides durable shelter while empowering families, building communities, creating jobs, and service opportunities. Come partner with us! #BetterTogether
Making an Impact
Make It Matter, Inc is a global nonprofit organization that partners with community members and organizations to build homes for needy families. They advocate volunteerism by actively participating in home build projects. In addition to home building, they help churches, social groups and other community organizations get active in foreign missions and humanitarian aid.
With the support of generous partners and 2,000+ volunteers and individual donors, 29 families in Haiti have received new durable homes through the Homes for Haiti program. 3,000+ families received food, clothes, and medical care. 7,000+ volunteer service hours logged on international mission trips to Haiti, Honduras, and Jamaica, and on executing creative fundraisers.
Make It Matter believes that every family deserves to live in durable housing that is safe and clean. So, they operate with three main goals in mind:
Demonstrate God’s love.
Empower families by providing durable homes, strengthens communities. Strong communities create a stronger world.
Promote individual volunteerism both domestically and abroad. Make it Matter is extending hope by meeting the physical and spiritual need of people outside of North America. In Haiti, in Honduras, and in Jamaica.
Getting Involved
In July 2020, Make it Matter hopes to build 15 more homes for needy families in Jamacia. To get involved, you can sponsor a home, join a mission trip, volunteer, participate in a fundraiser, or leverage Make It Matter/s expertise to enhance your international mission or foreign aide committee.
November 24th, Bethany Baptist Church will be hosting an afternoon Creme de la Creme Missions Tea Party. It will be a fun time to raise awareness about the global need for durable housing and help raise money to build homes for needy families in underdeveloped countries. Tickets are $25 and attire is creme, gold or white. Dress to impress!
May 2, 2020, they will also be hosting a Designer Purse Bingo fundraiser at Klein ISD Multipurpose Center. Follow the event's Facebook page to see more details and stay connected.
Make It Matter
P.O. Box 941531
Houston, TX 77094