Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
5 Ways to Become a More Resilient Pastor
The Resilient Pathway includes monthly gatherings of 4-6 pastors, quarterly larger gatherings for leadership conversations, an annual retreat, learning cohorts, and one-on-one coaching. Which might you benefit from?
"A Series of Miracles" at Work to Bless Ukraine
God is still in the miracle business, and we saw him at work as churches pulled together to provide relief to Ukraine.
4 Ways to Guard Your Heart Online
How does social media affect us? And how can we set appropriate boundaries to protect ourselves?
God at Work in Renewing Churches
We follow a God of renewal, who brings beauty from ashes, and this is one of those stories of His renewal within our midst. Watch this video or read and rejoice with us!
Pantry Power: Food Ministry Meets Many Needs
Mission Centers of Houston fights hunger in inner-city Houston in Jesus’ name.
7 Characteristics of Disciple-Making Pastors
Want to be a disciple-making pastor? Here are 7 characteristics to adopt.
To My Friends in Ministry
Ministry is hard, and so is life in general. Trenton Anthony shows us how and why to make and keep friends.
Marco Polo and a Pastor's Need to be Known
Certain pressures accompany the role of pastoral ministry. If pastors don't have a way to relieve that pressure, their world can easily become dark, lonely, and isolated. It's similar to the one in the pool with their eyes closed calling out “Marco!" But they find no one to respond.
Behind the Curtain: Isolation and the Pastor's Wife
Let's push past the small talk and discuss a common problem in many of our churches. As a minister's wife, it can be very lonely and hard to build true friendships with people inside the church. However, the church community shouldn't leave anyone isolated—especially not its leaders and their families.